Lexi, Jenna and the Cabin in Vermont pt. 3

"If Little, Lexi's baby sister, is in the hot tub, will everyone still get to cum...?"

Jenna and I decided that the hot tub was a must. We'd already christenfucked the entire cabin. It smelled like sweat and pussy in our room and we needed some fresh air... I slipped on a tiny black triangle bikini...

How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy

"After careful consideration we chose an old boyfreind of hers to join me in satisfying her fully."

I love my wife very much. She is 12 years older than me and we had been married then for over 25 years. Like many couples sex when we were first together was spectacular but fell away as years went...

We meet again… And Again

"Emma's chance encounter with her ex and a friend turns into a night out that she'll never forget."

We hadn’t seen each other in months. The end of my “relationship” with Michael had been pretty ugly. We had been reduced to arguing every moment which resulted in many things being left unresolved. There was too much anger, too...

Halley Gets a Little Medicine

"Halley is laid up for a while, and when her best friends stop by they decide to help her with pain."

I woke up to four things. 1) My phone alarm going off. I had expected that. 2) Pounding on my door. I had also expected that, but not so soon. 3) Yelling. It was a holy racket outside my apartment...

Taylor’s Fantasy Fulfilled

"She finally goes wild and lives a dream."

While safe-sex was practiced during the making of this fantasy, condoms and such don't make an appearance here, it is assumed that in real life, those rascals would be wrapped. The producer would also like you to know that no...

My first MMF

"Beth sets about her first sexual adventure"

It was Beth’s idea. Her affair with Brian, a married man 25 years older than her, had taken her down a wonderful road of sexual enlightenment. Brian was delighted she planning her first sexual adventure of her own design and...