Retirement part 2

"My second trip to North Carolina proves to be just as good....."

It had been about three weeks since I left North Carolina and I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I had spoken to Maureen a few times on the phone. She had said that she couldn't believe how excited...

Boys and Girls and Boys, Part II

"Rachel and Roger find a Steady Playmate"

This story is acontinuation of Boys, and Girls, and Boys Part 1 “So…what happened?” Roger looked at me, then looked down at his lunch tray. “Jack’s moving out of the dorm. Moving into his fraternity house.” “He freaked out, didn’t...

Meeting In Moline

"I meet a couple on a business trip."

I've travelled most of my career. The first few years it was mostly by air and, of course, I was met with flight delays, bad weather, lost luggage, all the wonderful things that air travel brings in such abundance. The...

Enjoy the Party

"Costume party with a twist"

Cherry looked across the breakfast table to her husband of seven years and sighed. He was very distinguished with his salt and pepper hair and athletic build. How she wished that he would put his iPad and raisin bagel aside...

Bi-times with Frank and Penny

"Penny burst into outrageous laughter."

Frank and I share a flat in a high tenement block; the only drawback is that we have to share the bathroom with the adjoining flat which is occupied by two young secretaries working at the same firm as we...

Adding To Our Fun

"My boyfriend wanted to share me with other guys. Oh, did he ever."

Chapter 1 I met Warren at a business meeting when I was right out of college, just beginning my career. He was handsome, pretty sexy, really smart and funny all rolled into one. Warren also had a lot more experience...