Legal Issues Ch. 07

"Lynn admits her faults and realizes what she's been given in this conclusion."

Early morning sunlight streamed through Lynn'scurtains. The young woman woke slowly, still smiling from her dream. She felt unreasonably happy, as if she were a small child tucked into bed by loving parents after a full day of play. An...

Legal Issues Ch. 01

"A young, driven lawyer pressures a farmer to sell but fails and attracts supernatural attentions"

Thick clouds of dust billowed behind the sleek black sedan as it sped along the small dirt road. Overhead, a single lazy cloud cast a huge shadow across the rolling green pastures on either side of the road. A huge...

Brian and Auntie Em Ch.2

"Well, I may have some news for you Auntie em."

Brian and Aunt Em Ch.2 This is the continuation of “Brian and Auntie Em.” I promised this before I went off line and have been requested a few times since I have been back to write it. To bring everyone...


"An evening of baking"

Adura blushed as she finally found her way in the door after work, cupping her chest gently with a slight wince, then gasping as she unbuttoned her blouse. Her breasts swelled against the soft pink bra holding them almost painfully,...

My Always Perfect Family, Part 5

"Kitten finally finds a boyfriend and her father-lover reacts in a strange way"

Kitten finally finds a boyfriend and her father-lover reacts in a strange way After the encounter with her mother’s nurse, Kitten learned of her father’s fetish for milk. Initially the little nurse stayed away from Kitten for a few days,...