She comes home after a late night of work. I'm in bed reading.She looks tired and worn out.She gets in bed, naked, and gives me a kiss while reaching for my cock.In a moment she is on her knees and...
Forbidden Shower
"The shower brought out forbidden desires"
Slipping into the shower behind her, his hands helped themselves to her ample breasts, lathering those luscious mounds with lavender shower gel. She moaned softly as he nibbled on her earlobe as the water rained down on them.He ached to...
I Can Resist Everything Except Tempation
"Hubby suspects"
An irate Trevor stormed into the house with a quizzical face. He threw his coat over the back of the nearest chair and looked haughtily at his wife."Hello, babes. What's eating you?" she wondered."I've just heard some disturbing news down...
You Can Fake Intelligence, But You Can’t Fake Wit
"Some things are worth waiting for!"
The Policeman pulled up beside a parked car in the layby at 11.51 pm and motioned with his hand for the man in the driving seat to wind down his window. "Everything alright?""Yes, officer."The cop saw a young female in...
Roadtrip Adventure
"Hours into a roadtrip, a sense of adventure provides and opportunity to break the boredom"
As she feels his cock begin to pulse, knowing she was about to be rewarded with his cum, she delighted in what got her to this point.They’re hours into a roadtrip with hours remaining, boredom coupled with a sexy adventure...
In Married Life Three Is Company And Two Is None
"Women are made to be loved, not understood (Oscar Wilde)"
Mary and her bestie, Joanne, had finished the second bottle of Chablis when Mary sat up straight with an intense look. She was still single on this, her twenty-fifth birthday, and she asked the very married Joanne some frank questions...
Bigamy Is Having One Wife Too Many, Monogamy Is The Same
"Troublesome times for some"
John joined Fred at the bar of their local pub and Fred couldn't help but notice his friend's long face."Hello, mate. How's your love life?""Brilliant," answered the handsome fellow as he sipped his pint. "I'm getting laid every night, but...
Sucking Fanta
"Cursed by spoonerisms, two lost souls come together at Christmas."
Another lonely Christmas loomed. Imprisoned by circumstances, Stella rarely spoke to people, and when she did, it was only a matter of time before she slipped up.Stella couldn't believe her eyes when she saw him walking past with a message...
The Doer Of Good
"Help is provided in a perverse way"
Nurse Jonathan cursed as he contemplated his bleeding finger, cut by a smashed tumbler. It bled badly and he was taken aback at the crimson flow."The best remedy for that is to stick it up the arse of the nearest...
The First Three
"How does one feel letting go of monogamy?"
She loved me and wanted him.The beautiful love of my life.My destined wife,Bonded forever.I wanted her to have everything.True love means openness.I knew with her wants.The right choice? Let her run free.Jealousy is for the weak-minded.I would always be there...