A Summer Job with Fringe Benefits

"A father hires his well-hung son for a summer of pleasure."

When my father offered me the chance to work in his office for ten bucks an hour, I jumped at it. It was a lot better than cutting lawns and it was air-conditioned. The other benefits were unexpected. I was...

At the Beach

"A substitute chaperone finds the job worth doing."

So, to celebrate their high school graducation, I got dragooned into driving my sister, three of her squealing friends and one mother-type chaperone down to the beach for a week in the sun, and then going down to fetch them...

My Short Career as a Male Stripper

"Here's what saying 'yes' to four women from work got me. Lots more than I'll bet you've ever had."

Chapter 1 Okay, okay, let's get the laughs over with right now. "Short" career? Just how short is it? Ha, ha. Okay, ready for the real story now? My name is Marty Green, I work for an advertising agency as...