Julia And I Get Into Spanking And Join With A Group Of Girls At A BDSM Dungeon

"Julia enjoys spanking and caning and at a sex theme hotel we meet with a group of girls in the dungeon for spanking and caning activity"

Julia, who was in her mid-twenties, had been my partner for six months. Her previous boyfriend had been a wealthy merchant banker I knew socially, and I had noticed Julia warming to me. Everything changed when I returned from one...

A Mature Lady lifts My Dark Pre-Exam Mood With Sex And Caning.

"Mature Joan gives me sexual experience and emotional support spiced up with sore bottoms."

I had been a sailing club member since I was thirteen, and I was now seventeen and doing my A-level studies at a local technical college. Joan was the Commodore of the sailing club following the last committee meeting.Joan had...

My Cheating Wife Gets A Sore Bottom From Cane And Tawse Which Persuades Her To Behave

"My hot pants wife is sraightened out by rods of correction and vows never to deserve the tawse."

I had been wondering if my young wife, Cindy, had been cheating on me with my best friend when I was away on business. I had been very busy at work and away from home on business for two months....

The Adventures Of Student Nurse Maria At The Hands Of The Perverted Consultant and Matron

"Student nurse Maria is caned by the consultant and comforted by the sapphic matron"

Think back to those days in the immediate aftermath of WW2 and their attendant problems. Not the least of these was tuberculosis (TB). I was an age nineteen student nurse in training at a TB sanatorium in England. The sanatorium...

Like Mother, Like Daughter, Sore Bottoms And Sex – Chapter 2

"Carolyn enjoys examination success, and with her mother we have two days of fun in London"

Life carried on. Carolyn came around almost every week to review her progress at college and go over the past exam paper answers. We usually had sex and a light to moderate caning, if she was not having her period....

Dear Lisa, The Light Of My Life

"In South East Asia, I met a beautiful and relatively unsophisticated young lady with a modern outlook."

I spent a little over a year working in a Southeast Asia country, looking after a major project for my company. It was close to the time when I could hand it over to local colleagues and go home. I...

Lady Friday

"I meet an uninhibited Asian lady with a high sex drive and curiousity about her sexual anatomy"

Several years back, I made multiple visits to a major city in SE Asia, often of two to three weeks duration.  I was taking part in the planning and pre-mobilisation of an offshore project.  This project was to take place...

Warming Her Buttocks – Part 2

"Almost a week after their evening in a hotel room, Heather Jefferson, fifty-three, phones Simon Forrest, aged sixty-four."

Fifty-three-year-old Heather Jefferson and Simon Forrest, aged sixty-four, had met in a hotel bar whilst both away from home on business, and had had sex.Heather was divorced and liked cock of all ages, she was a very attractive woman, so...