Janis sat quietly on the loveseat across from Darren who was engrossed in his latest detective novel. She glanced meaningfully at him every so often, until finally he paused to meet her gaze.Even after thirteen years of marriage he could...
The Painful Incentive
"Joanne was looking for an incentive to help her improve, and found it"
It was Friday night, and I was at my friend, Allan's, house. The party was going well, which had been organised for his seventeenth birthday. I'm Joanne, also seventeen. There were several friends and neighbours dancing and chatting. Everyone was mixing well,...
Teaching Carol, Chapter 11
"Carol chooses a special Halloween costume to please Jonathan"
Halloween was always a big event on campus. The students competed with each other to come up with the most outrageous costumes and make-up, and the winners were selected at midnight during the rock 'n' roll costume ball in the...
Wanting To Be Disciplined
"Leanne wanted to be thrashed and got her wish"
Leanne, who was now eighteen, had first realised her fascination with spankings a couple of years ago, soon after turning sixteen, Of course, she knew spankings happened. In fact, one of Leanne's girlfriends, Moira who was also sixteen, loved Leanne...
Fucking My Neighbor’s Beautiful Young Wife
"I met and and had an extended affair with the beautiful wife of my next door neighbor."
My name is Jason, age twenty-one, and I just graduated from the University of Arkansas with a degree in Electrical Engineering. I was able to graduate a year early by taking summer courses at a local university following my junior...
Wife Strips At Brother-in-Law’s Graduation Party
"Hubby intended to hire a young stripper for his brother's graduation; but, due to unforseen circumstancws, I was the stripper."
Next month Jason will graduate from high school. Then three months later in August, one week before his eighteenth birthday, he will be leaving to attend SMU. At first Steve and I decided to give him a going-away party on...
Black Is Beautiful – Chapter 4
"Wendy is lured back to Jamaica by the prospect of more young black cock."
With a cup of coffee in front of me, I faced my day with little to look forward to. Since I had returned from my Jamaican adventure, I'd had to content myself with 'Black Jim,' my ten-inch dildo. I craved...
Something Special
"He finds out that she really is Something Special"
It was her birthday. We spent the night celebrating with a few of her friends, toasting and chiding, but all in fun. At about 10:00 pm, her friends left and we were all alone.She was my best friend. She'd celebrated...
Getting My Hair Cut
"A guy gets his hair cut and a lot more from his barber"
Let me just state here and now. I hate getting my hair cut. I always have, and I thought I always would. I have been to barbers, stylists, and everything short of a dog groomer. All I want is a...