Meta: Chapter One

"Mary loves erotic mind control fiction. When she reaches out to her favorite author, things start to change."

The faint glow of the laptop radiated out into the otherwise dark home office, casting long shadows across the small space. Mary read the words on the screen, her fingers working furiously on her clit as she absorbed the tale...

Violet Gathers Research Material

"“It’s just a hobby,” Violet said. “I can stop whenever I like.”
 But she was already in too deep…"

“Mmm…mmm…mmmph!!!”Kneeling on the bathroom tile, hot water spurting out from the showerhead, a big juicy cock rammed its way inside Violet’s mouth. Its owner moved their hips back and forth, the phallus’ head tickling her soft palate. With a final...

Distracted And Horny

"A horny writer struggles to finish."

Thoughts flood my mind. Characters and scenarios fill my mind. What does my cock want tonight? Hmm, something kinky. Desperation, maybe, I love the thought of a man desperate for a piss. His bladder filling, his cock swelling, the release...

3-2-1 Ambition

"3 obnoxious students 2 concurrent narratives 1 overly ambitious story. What could possibly go right?"

A gentle and cool early spring breeze swept through the trees lining the main walkway of River’s End University. Second semester was in full swing, but the weather, having finally broken, invited earnest youthful students setting up booths along the...

White Space

"What goes on in the blank spaces of a page?"

He paused, "You know it's strange, but I can't seem to remember anything at all." Robert stood in the doorway, unsure what to do, disoriented."Is that so?" said a voice from inside the room. "Yes," Robert said, frowning. "Believe it...