The Siren Seeker, part 1

"A young treasure diver and his girlfriend discover more than gold!"

"July, 1953, somewhere off the coast of Southern California. Today is the day I find that lagoon and show the world that I am the greatest treasure diver of all time!Signed, Billy Summers"Billy, a young treasure diver with a spirit...

The Tale Of Captain Blackheart And The Squirting Siren

"A horny mermaid travels to the surface and finds her match aboard a pirate ship."

Deep in the Pacific Ocean, Swirlia Sea Angel tenderly raked her long flowing hair with a hermit crab. She sighed, setting the sweet animal down and thanking him with a nod and a wink. The crab waved his tiny claw...

The Beast’s Prey – Chapter 5: A Struggle Under The Moon

"Will Hunter meet the same fate as Zafael?"

Hunter and the lush mermaid were tangled together in a passionate embrace. The mermaid had her slender left arm draped over his shoulder. Her hand was tightly gripping his muscular upper back.To Abigail's surprise, the creature's other hand was wrapped...

Shauna, the Mermaid

"She wasn't a mermaid, was she?"

George was from a very protective family. In his family, there were a few rules, like no TV and no phone calls during dinner. Those were moments for sharing about the day, at school for him and his siblings, and...