Words Mean So Much

"Will it be Mr Google or Miss Dictionary you reach for ?"

The day I knelt before hergranting her apotheosiswas a culmination of so muchwithin me and what we shareSome say I am a masterwith words and emotionsYet she is beyondeven my knowledgeHer freedompurity and vivacityset her apart from the worldShe is...

What Is The Nicest Thing Anyone’s Said To Me Before, During Or After Sex?

"It's not the time for conversation, but I've had some choice words..."

Welcome back to my sexual autobiography! In this series of stories, I take questions I see posed on the Lush forums and answer them truthfully. And this poster wonders what sweet nothings have been whispered into my ear before, during...

Songs of Seasons from the Past

"Love is singing in our senses"

Hear the melodies of seasons from the pastHum along the verdant pathways in my mindSubtle tempers of the yearsThat may echo with a chantingWith ballads of gentle cooing in my ears WarblingPurring with seduction in my earsLike the insects They are chirpingThey are whirringAs I listenAs I hearHeeding all the soothing callingThey are...