Swim Meet With Happy Ending

"A girl’s exploration unintentionally brings an older boy over the edge"

In 1962, I was on the swim team in my high school. I was a senior, and I was a very good swimmer. Swimming in gym class was nude for boys, and so was swim team practice. It was a...

The Coach Holiday

"Two unattached lesbians meet for the first time and sparks fly."

Karen Lister was a sixty-year-old lesbian who, a few months previously, had suffered the break up of a long term relationship. In the time that followed she had quite a lot of lesbian sex but did not meet anyone that...

Tinder Date Pt. 1

"When you meet someone on Tinder"

She sat on the leather couch perpendicular to mine. Her fidgeting fingers grazed along the accentuated small ridges of wrinkles. I stared at her and wondered, ‘what you are expecting?’ Her outfit: mere black leggings and a tank top variation of...

Dublin Jack-Off Buddy

"A hotel meet turns in to heavy wank session"

After my wanking session with my friend from New Orleans I was eager for a repeat. At the time I was making regular trips to Dublin from Belfast and thought that it would be a great chance to finally find...

A Fine Romance….

"Two sixteen year olds meet in a cafe, and begin a long romance of love...."

From the first moment I saw her, she became my obsession, the love of my life. I may have only been young, sixteen at the time, and so was she, but sometimes you just know. That beautiful feeling that turns...