Love is – to be Together, Always

"The eternal love of two people"

This story was a Finalist in the ASSTR Golden Clitorides Best Seasonal Story Awards 2005Love is --- to be together, AlwaysA St Valentines Day StoryThe phone call came in the early hours.“Hello, is that Mrs Lawrence?”“Hello, hello - is that...

M Ch.5

"A married woman finally finds someone (Five part story)"

Gregg had dozed off on the loveseat, so didn't even hear Dorothy enter. She was already kneeling, her hands on his cock as he woke. He looked at the clock. 2:14 a.m. "Don't worry. She just left." she said, and...

M Ch. 4

"A married woman finally finds someone. (a five part story)"

  Jen called Gregg from work the next day and left a message on his voicemail that she'd be able to make it over to his place about 7:00 that evening. Pretty, dirty blonde-haired Jen had adjourned to the ladies...

M Ch.1

"Married woman finally finds someone"

"Damn it, she's single.", thought Gregg. He had been surfing the dating sites, looking for a married woman for three days now, with no luck. How he hated to see that dreaded "S" beside a woman's name. He wanted a...

M Ch. 2

"Married woman finally finds someone"

Gregg looked at Dorothy's thin body as she took her skirt and then her blouse off, and, moving close, wrapped an arm around her and mouthed her left nipple right through her bra. Then he unsnapped it from behind and...

M Ch.3

"A married woman finally finds someone (5 part story)"

Gregg lay gently on top of her and thought of the womb he had just filled with semen. Another man's wife's womb. He knew as well as anyone else, though, that actions speak louder than words, and the married woman...

Be My Mom

"A young man and a mature woman find love and sex."

The 54-year-old woman knew she had him as soon as soon as the 17-year-old man walked into the antique store for his first day of work as the delivery driver. She hadn't really thought too much about a younger man...