Under The Car

"I've given many bjs in a car, this was the first time under a car"

One of the houses I lived in during college had this neighbor, Paul. Sweet guy. The kind of man who shoveled our driveway before we even thought about it, dragged our trash cans to the curb when we forgot, and...

His Fixation – Part 2

"Paying for the privilege, Mr. Frost has his fun with Aurora's tits."

I didn't see Mr. Frost again that afternoon. When I arrived at my tiny studio apartment shortly before six, the hours remaining until I had to return to the office seemed to stretch out into eternity. Too nervous to eat, I...

Calling His Bluff – Part 4

"As feelings deepen between Colleen and Myles, jealousy rears its ugly head."

Every night, I waited for Myles to call, and every night at half past eleven, he invariably did so. Lying in the darkness of my bedroom, I reveled in his voice on the line. He was careful to speak quietly...

Calling His Bluff – Part 3

"As their affair continues, Myles persuades Colleen to let go of her inhibitions."

Once Myles was gone, the exhaustion of the previous week caught up with me. After a quick trip to the bathroom to wash up, I went straight back to bed and slept soundly for the rest of the night. In...

Calling His Bluff – Part 2

"Colleen's desire for Myles overpowers her misgivings."

Myles positioned himself above me, with his knees planted on either side of my thighs. I offered no resistance as he pulled my nightshirt over my head. Afterward, he took the time to smooth my tousled hair back from my...

Calling His Bluff – Part 1

"Colleen dares an anonymous caller to reveal himself to her."

The phone on my nightstand emitted a shrill ring, and I swore under my breath while fumbling to answer it. For the fourth time this week, I'd been woken by someone calling just before midnight. As I now sat up...