The Music Within

"In the hands of the maestro music is possible"

The maestrois the pulsevibratingwithin her veinsLong absent of rhythma heartbeatof undefined breadthshadowed and blurredShe cannot hearthe aching Symphonyswaying before herHer disjointed melodybreakingIn faltering burstsof anguished dissonanceEvery notea blackened surrenderof abandoned hopeEach chorda heart wrenching pleaBeseeching her loveshe chokedon discordant stringsof...

Sleight of Hand

"A fill-in assistant experiences a different kind of magic behind the scenes."

Jenna arrived to the studio about five minutes early, or as she liked to put it, on time. The door slammed behind her from the wind and silenced the cacophony of the street outside leaving nothing in the quiet but...