The Magic Bedroom

"Lucinda and Francesca share a night in the magic bedroom where anything is possible..."

Picture this, a magical cottage located in a sun-blessed idyllic corner of the English countryside. Everything was fresh and green, dawn was met with a golden glow, here wildlife thrived and you could experience a genuine affinity with nature. Cocooned...

Santa’s Friend – Father Time

"Santa had a friend named Father Time"

Santa’s Friend Father TimeFather Time was old. So old he wasn’t entirely sure when he began. He knew he’d been around for as long as people had been around and he was the one who whispered about the passage of...

Not So Abominable: A Tale of Winter Magic

"An ancient being seeks a mate; a lonely woman finds a lover; magic is afoot in the mountains"

Sonja stepped outside the lodge and took a lungful of cold mountain air. Behind her, the party raged on, seemingly oblivious to her absence. The haze of pot smoke inside was bothering her. It made her feel a bit dopey,...

Facing Destiny (Pt 1 of 2)

"Darkni leads a double life, but a chance encounter may expose the secret of his magical studies."

“I assume we have reached a bargain, then?” Darkniciad asked.The man before him pursed his lips for a moment and his brow furrowed. He took a breath, nodded his head, and said, “It’s a square deal.”“Excellent,” Darkni said while extending...