Hail Santa!

"Sometimes, spelling really does matter."

“FUUUCKK!!!”Both women came together, squirting into the candlelit pentangle to conclude the eight-hour black mass. Sulphuric smoke billowed out, and a huge, red figure appeared in the centre.“Hail Satan!” Tara began. “We–”“Ho! Ho! Ho!” the figure intoned.“What? Give me the...

Building A Better Snowman

"How could she improve her annual snowman?"

“Sixteen’s a bit old for this, isn’t it?”“It’s tradition, Mum. Every winter it snows, I make a snowman.”“Very nice, dear. I’m going inside.”Alone, she took the final item from her coat and fixed it in place, then stood back, admiring...

Burn The Witch

"He spent years loving the witch, and now he needs to burn her."

In the middle of the forest, there was a wood cabin, circled with willow trees and lit by the reflection of the moon, with a crooked oak door and a twisted chimney; it was the witch’s cabin, and Dave knew...

Lo! Baphomet! II. Pentagram Of Pleasure

"In the clutches of a demon-worshipping cult - Chris is totally fucked!"

A Roman gladiator. That was how I felt, like a Roman gladiator, waiting for my turn to die.Although, of course, it was Hashim, stood beside me in this antechamber, who looked the part, with his chiselled, bronze body gleaming with...

The dreams began exactly three months before, on the eve of Ostara. They were sultry, salty wisps that wrapped around Mary’s subconscious while she slept, filling her mind with images of craggy cliffs topped with grasses that waved in the...

Lost At Sea, Book 2: Drifters, Chapter 16, Part 2

"A sexy pirate fantasy adventure"

Grindylow were starting to crawl up the Kestrel’s sides, cresting the railings toward the midship, flanking the defenders. At the helm, Captain Vex cursed. They were running out of time. “Danica, Coleman, get us free!”“Aye, captain!” came the answering calls. Coleman...

One Tool to Bind Them…

"Having the greatest sex of your life sounds amazing, but it depends on the price…"

Melissa sighed as she sipped her cocktail. “I so envy my kids. It was absolutely the best sex of my life – and it will never happen again.”Terry lifted her eyebrows. “You’re sending both of the twins? Is Henry OK...