Vignette #1

"Connor craves humiliation and Rachel obliges."

At five in the afternoon on this early spring day, the sun was already casting shadows. As Connor climbed the steps to the stoop of the red brick row house his whole body was sensitized in anticipation of what would...

It’s Just Sex In The Office

"Literally “everybody is doing it” when an unknown influence affects the entire office floor."

Laura spent much of every day running to the building next door. Some papers and packages were too sensitive to send by email or external courier. Kari was Laura’s primary contact next door and, like Laura, was an office assistant. They...

Meeting Our Threesome Partner Alone

"My desire for cock grows..."

Some time ago my wife surprised me when I came home with me finding her one her back on the kitchen counter, legs spread and a stranger with his face buried in her cunt (the full tale is also posted...

Twice As Nice

"Marina overhears her gay male neighbors in the bedroom and her imagination drives her wild."

Marina lay back on her bed and tossed an extra pillow under her legs with a sigh.  They say that Christmas is the happiest season, but working at customer service in a retail store made it impossible to see the...

Sarah Trains Me

"Sarah and Mike add spice to their sex life."

My name is Mike Jensen. It was a Wednesday evening and I had stayed at work a couple of hours after my employees had knocked off for the day. A dinner and reception that I was attending were occurring this...