The Making Of A Miss

"Elena plots her journey from brat to goddess."

You’ll call me Miss.At school, Miss was a terrible student. It wasn’t that I was stupid or incapable; it was that I could never find the motivation to apply my effort, not to the subjects they teach in schools. There...

In the Dorm

"Two college students accept an alternative punishment to avoid expulsion"

Despite the efforts of the two freshman students entering the residence hall to keep quiet, it seemed like every motion they made resounded with its own reverberating echo.  They opened the door as slowly as possible, but it creaked loudly...

I Love Older Women Chapter Four

"Older Women are attracted to young business man"

Sue got her laptop out. She already had all the evidence in folders. She started to print them out while May was paper punching holes in them then putting them into a folder. I checked how much paper we had....

I will officer

"Candy gets pulled by the Police but she ends up pulling them."

Thursday’s are my usual day off from work and, much as I enjoy my job at ‘Playthings’ helping customers choose seductive lingerie or a new sex toy, a girl needs time to rest and recuperate. My gorgeous flatmate Ebony was...