Little White Lie

"Sometimes we thinks we are doing a friend a favor but...."

The news Ryan got that day shocked and amazed him. Having known Bill for over twenty years and working closely with him, he trusted him implicitly. There could be no possible reason for him to tell him a lie.Ryan left...

I’m A Real Boy!

"Pinocchio was so excited. He was a REAL boy."

She opened the door to see her neighbor, Pinocchio."I'm a real boy!""Oh really? Come in.""I'm a real boy!"She pulled off his shirt and saw his smooth wooden front."Lay down," and she pulled off his pants.Like a Ken doll... there was...

Unexpected Result Of Deceit

"When senior staff and a prefect at school are intentionally deceitful, they get something rather different to what they expected"

Myla and Willow were both still very annoyed as they looked at their classmate, form teacher, headmistress, and governor, all of whom were fully naked standing with their hands on their heads, red-eyed and with tear-stained faces, and stinging bottoms...

Fancy That

"Liz wanted to be spanked by Beth, and got her wish"

Nineteen-year-old Beth opened the door to see a flustered looking Liz, their neighbour of two doors away, and saw she was wearing a pretty summery sleeveless floral dress with a hem halfway down her thigh. She was in her forties,...

Whatever Works Chapter 2

"Arnie gets caught in a lie"

Sara pushes Molly into the kitchen, putting her at the table cutting up a salad, while she made grilled cheese sandwiches and a veggie soup. They chat while eating lunch and Sara asks Arnie if he told Ed about driving...

Samantha and Bruce Turner

"He had far more to offer than anybody realized, especially her!"

CHAPTER ONE (of two) I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh...

The Red Vest

"A stolen red vest transforms a lonely man who meets a lonely woman in a bar and sparks fly"

Chester suddenly stopped sweeping. He leaned the broom against the bin of sheetrock screws, hung the dust pan on the hook by the paint brushes and turpentine, leaving the pile of dust and debris in the middle of the wooden...