Getting Older

"thought about the seasons of my life"

Although my thinning hair is slowly falling and I am in the autumn of my life and know that winter days will soon be calling, a thought that sometimes stabs me like a knife. And when I see my skin...


"Thinking about the world outside while being in bed with his love."

Outside, people sweat and cannot sleep;and far away, bones grow thin and weakand gums bleed; and, always, somewhere,men are fighting just to keepthe dirt they live on, their friends,and the chance to smile;and everywhere, at night, men and women cryand...

A Cyber Lover’s Tale

"A bawdy tale modelled after Chaucer's Canterbury Tales"

Here’s a tale that Chaucer might have heard. A bawdy one, you’ll find, and quite absurd. Though in his day there was no internet,This tale is one no pilgrim would forget,But one I think would make the old guy grin....


"A view of the mysterious world of on line chatting"

She doesn’t know my hair is thinning or see the wrinkles around my eyes or that my beard needs trimming, and I wonder does she realize while we sit here in our rooms and chat, our fingers clicking on the...

Chapter 1 -- Dark as Wine In your presence, my posture changes. My shoulders are slightly rounded. I let my long black hair cover my face. My eyes tend downwards. It's not deliberate. It's the effect your presence has on...


"Two lovers dream about taking off together"

We speak of places we would like to go, looking out at destinations, places far away, towns that held us spellbound-- sharing now this breeze that lets us drift like clouds. It’s good to wander off like that with you,...

It is Written

"I can wait...."

I enter the room, sheets changed on the bed where you quietly won my heart and body one more time last night. You stare out the window, computer showing a clean page. A fountain pen and pencil sit on a...

Heart and Body

"my body follows my heart every time"

how can I explainhow my heart yearns for you?how my body follows my heart?i follow its leading andmy hands must touchbreasts that ache to feelyour mouth....licking their tight budsbiting their full contoursbreathing yourself outuntil they are coveredin.... you.i follow its...