In my darkest hour... I wait for you to ravish me Under moonlight and stars, I want to be lost in the ecstasies Of our growling and thunder. Rolling in our sheets... Slow... Soft, Whispers. Escaping with profound needful passion,...
The Art of a Spanking
"The Precision of the Knight, He handles his princess with care."
His hand reaches across me. The belt brushes my already warm bottom. I feel it pull away, I block everything out. It is the only way to endure the pain. I feel the sting, the end on the far side...
There’s a soft click as I close the door as quietly as I can. Gently, you use your body to press mine to the door. You’re taller than me, so the top of my head barely reaches your broad shoulders....
You Give Me the Best Christmas Present
"My lover fulfills my dream"
I come back from the café with coffees, tiptoeing into the bedroom. I place them quietly on the bedside table and stand still, watching you sleep. I can only see the top of your hair and hear a little snort...
Slipping into my heart,A mystery to solve. Friending me was a start,Making love would evolve. Your lips upon my shaft,My mouth upon your slit.We shared our sexy craft.We are a perfect fit. Spreading your wetness wideWith my swollen manhood.Giving you...
Nature Walk
"we are a part of all we see."
Soft days of perfect light Filled with earthy sights and sounds Bring joy And peace. Walking though the day Holding your hand, Seeing your mouth curve just for me, And sharing this sensory heaven Makes my heart race. The evening...
"Sex, so luscious and sane should'nt be shunt by no religion"
A word, a touch, electricity Mental image, physical reflectionA thought, a memory, toxicityPassion play, gentle direction A lust, a love, deep consumeHormonal release, endorphines rushSexual tension, pheromone perfumeThought of touch, pussies gush A kiss, a breath, rising ecstacyHands exploring, increasing...
your hands flow across my body resting as they reach my ribs. your breath kisses my collarbone then my neck.... I feel your face form a smile and I know you are here to worship. small, wet tattoos are drawn...
A Cross Dressers Lament
"Just a cute poem I wrote for fun"
I like panties, A Cross dresser’s LamentI like panties, I like slips, I love nylon on my dick.It feels good and is great fun, wearing my panties helps me cum. I wear a slip, a bra, and nylons too; add...
A Solstice Love Song from the Garden
"A solstice fantasy while in the garden"
The sun, the ancient sun, is higher now,bringing summer with its fireflies at night,its green and fragrant fields, my sweaty brow,while on my knees planting in the radiant light,and there, my mind drifting off like clouds,white against the blue, is...