Living and learning

"Learning the one you take for granted is the one who matters most"

Three became two, two became one.Her life was changing with no room for me in tow.She broke my heart and left me nowhere to go.Lost like a puppy who had run away from home.You tried to mend me piece by...

Kitty Marie

"Kitty and me get some time to ourselves"

Marie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains,...

A Night in Suburbia

"A busy couple finds time to play"

It was a busy day. Up early with the kids, then we were off grocery shopping. Running errands, taking kids for lunch in a busy restaurant, fighting crowds and traffic. Finally home. Unload the kids and groceries. Off to the park...


"They meet for real, will it be everything they imagined?"

Breath quickens, heart racing,kissing with such passion.His fingers pull on her nipple hard,this is all she has been fantasizing. In a room up high, the city lights glow.Undressing slowly, praying he wants her.Smiling, twitching, needing, and wanting,his kisses amazing, soft, wet, and...

The Keyholder (Pt 3)

"Amy becomes jealous of Ben's old girlfriend"

The weekend in Paris had been fantastic, three whole days with Amy plus three consecutive nights of release. Returning to work had been hard, not least because he had now spent five continuous days inside the locked chastity cage. Nights...


"It's been a rough night, but it has a sweet ending"

Her shoulders ached as they strained against the bonds. Her hands twisted in the cord loops attached to the headboard of the bed. The crop came down across her spine and she yelped, squealing like a pig when the crop...