In It Together (Part 1)

"Desire awakens, boundaries blur, and a couple dares to explore the depths of passion, pleasure, and the unspoken cravings that could change everything."

Kamila faces the sun from the overlook, her eyes narrowing to a squint as she takes in the valley below. She likes to stand here for a moment, catching her breath, admiring how far she’s come—not just on this run,...

Our Sexual Adventure, Part Two – “Growing Closer”

""A married couple who found the road to fulfilment. This series is our sexual adventure, all involve Carol, most involve Bob.""

At the end of Part One, "The Beginning," my boyfriend Bob and I took a trip to Holy Island Lindisfarne with our friends Martin and Wendy. It was a magical night spent under the stars. On our way back, I...

The Pleasures of Pussycat Park: Red’s Wager

"Mistress makes a high stakes bet to steal away a man on his five year anniversary."

The Wolf‘Saturday, 11:00 PM. The Bench.’There was no way I could make it. It was ridiculous to even consider it. I stared at the thumb drive in my palm knowing full well I could never go. After all, it was...

The Benefits Of Working From Home

"While working from home Katie finds herself distracted in the best possible way."

It’s 11 a.m., and I’m perched at the kitchen table in my usual “work-from-home” ensemble: jogging bottoms, a loose T-shirt that might as well be pyjamas, and an old coffee mug that’s a total necessity at this point. My laptop’s...