They Never Leave

"✨ Dedicated to the special souls that hop into our lives and sparkle in the darkness✨"

Life. It’s a strange thing. Ever since I was younger, I’ve always wondered what is the point of it all. What’s my purpose? What does fulfilment look like? Is it ever enough? Am I ever enough?Ever since I was little,...

Coquinas – A Tale Of Thanksgiving

"She had nothing to be grateful for..."

She had nothing to be thankful for…As vacationers flocked to the area for the Thanksgiving holiday, Kelly sat on the beach, looking at the water. Sitting on this powdery sand and staring into the blue-green water made things seem less...

The Long Goodbye

"Our forever never existed."

Hospital walls permeated with the smell of disinfectant and death.Three years of beep-swish, beep-swish as the life support machine swells your lungs with air.‘Miss Belrose?’ Male voice, blue scrubs, form in hand. ‘I know you’ve read this before, but I...

The Tempting of Neely J: Chapter Thirteen – Retrospect

"While reevaluating her life choices, Neely has an unexpected conversation."

Extract from ‘Don’t Write Off Religion Yet’, a newspaper feature by Raymond Archer.We secularists use caricature to dismiss modern religious faith. We’ve got our list of favourites. The frothing fundamentalists, pronouncing fatwas and shooting abortionists. The pious traditionalists, mouldering in...