I want you! I need you!

"I want you, I need you, but you still walked away."

I want you. I need you.More than life itself.Our fingers to interlock.Entwined hand in hand.To taste your lips upon my own.So soft and tender to kiss.Our two hearts beating together.Our eyes drawn to one another.I want you. I need you.But...

My arms long to hold you My lips to taste And make you mine You are but a heartbeat away But yet so far So very far from me Make me yours Never leave me wanting your touch again We...


"Release me from your hold over me!"

Silence is all I hear since you've been gone. No one to hold my hand, to wrap me up in their arms, That warm embrace of comfort, everlasting friendship. No one to catch those teardrops that fall from these watery...

Closed Door

"What remains when things are unsaid."

Words that are spoken when nothing is saidThe sounds that we hear, we should have listened insteadA deafening silence has become our cocoonOn this road that we’ve traveled we arrived way too soonA need ever-present now certainly lostIn life’s forward...

So I hid my love away Like mail that arrives in far flung lands No return address....Neither lost not found I felt more love for you than was ever shown And you held on with hope, waiting, Only one day...


"A middle aged woman seeks shelter from the rain..."

It was dark, wet and cold when Carla got into her car to drive home. She'd had a long day and she was tired and ready for bed. Her train had been delayed by 'leaves on the line' the conductor...

A Peace of Something Lost

"Comfort is not always easily found."

There is a peace of something I seem to have lostIt was not kept in a trunk with a latchIt had come to me once at exorbitant costThough you see there’s no price tag attachedIt had lived in a room...

Guiding Light

"Shines bright through the night fog."

A night journey home, tall flickering lightshines bright through the night fog. Guide us through the remnants of once majestic vessels;broken and laced across the shallows,as if a reef.Love destroyed long ago. Torn apart and smashed into 1000 shards of...