Last Night

"I can never get enough of you baby"

Late last nightlaying in bedmy head on your chestyour heartbeat I heardDreaming of thingswe'd done the day beforeall I could thinkis I wanted moreMore of youand your sensuous waysMore of your passionThat always amazeFeeling your handcaress my breastyour tongue licking...

I Gaze At You

"Lust, beauty, passion, lust, and seduction"

I gaze at you lying in my arms. My desire raging Like fire overtaking my loins. Our lips and tongues seek each other And our breathing quickens.   I gaze at you lying in my arms. I cannot resist your...

Butcher’s Hook

"A knowing look transmutes Sally's Saturday job into a frozen, swollen meat-fest."

Hacking bones, I glance askanceAt Graham in his bloody apronSawing through a clump of muscleTrimming fat and severing tendonsOh, those hands! now gloved and crimsonSkillful as a slaughtering surgeonOperations never ending Always reaping, never sewingGrisly gristle, loathsome lites areMinced for barbecue...