15 Minutes Of Fame

"How taking part in a TV Property show changed my life, listening to hotel sex, and great adulterous sex."

A few years ago, my wife applied to go on one of those property search TV programs. We would watch ‘Dream Home in the Country’ or ‘Escape to the Sea’ and similar programs. My wife kept on badgering me until...

A Memorable Cock Up

"A spelling error leads to some escapism and a chance to explore a fantasy"

Andy walked through the dark December drizzle feeling unusually sorry for himself. He was proud of his ability to remain upbeat and cheerful in times of adversity, but he hated the darkness and cold. Experiencing both together because his poor...

Breaking Down The Wall

"she will try any way she can to discover the missing ingredient"

"Sometimes, the right guy could just read a page of a telephone directory, and I'd want to slip my fingers inside to the sound of his voice," Josie said with a devilish giggle."Sometimes, the right girl could bring me to...

Another Way

"Other avenues need to be explored due to an excess of adventure in the real world"

"I'll switch my camera on if you like. My videos are very popular, too. They leave nothing to the imagination," Leah typed.Nick sighed. It wasn't their fault, but sometimes people didn't get what he was about. It wasn't their job...

The Gourmet Menu

"She isn't impressed by the young set, perhaps someone with a little life experience can help her to escape with his creativity"

Today's MenuHand-cooked spicy lips, basted in sweet sauceTenderised seared rumpCoq SurprisePulled pork and creamed breast medley and lady's fingers in whipped creamDeep-filled cheeks filled with jusA gourmet tasting menu is available, including all of the above. Please allow sufficient time...

A Wet Weekend

"bringing their friend out of her shell requires some lateral thinking"

The plan to walk home seemed more ill-advised by the second. The drizzle had turned to steady rain, and then Alan found himself caught in a downpour.Alan decided to take refuge in a bar. He wasn't familiar with it, although...

Text Me With Your Thoughts

"a shared view of what counts delivers its reward"

'Text me with your thoughts.'When Paul saw this written on the front of her tee shirt, it brought the first real smile to his face of the day. Seeing a mobile number displayed on the back of it was his...

The Dreamcatcher- Part Two Of Three

"the breaks in the journey are not designed to allow extra time for sightseeing"

A few hours after collaborating with Neil to develop her story, Sarah began to formulate her next plan. The lack of a deadline for the load she was delivering offered her some opportunities, but an unusual sense of guilt also...

Becky’s Blockbuster

"The erotic website's story competition sees an entrant in it finding memorable inspiration for her work."

Entering the competition had been a spur of the moment decision and although Becky didn't need the lure of a prize to be inspired, she had decided to make the next story she wrote suitable for submission.Becky's disappointment at her...