Informally Introduced

"a quiet birthday gets rescued by a push in the right direction"

"I've spent years having guys talk to my tits, but that's the first time anyone's used them as an airbag!" Josie said to Mick, as they chatted in the cafe.Mick had felt embarrassed when his loss of balance on the...

Lines 1 – Office Friend

"Maybe you could come to the house so we're not together in public. I know you'll be a gentleman."

===Roger===I'd been working at for a year or so when Heidi was hired. The company was growing fast and she, and earlier I, were among a number of new web developers our expansion required. I was a coder and...

Love In Extremes

"I am the raw and unedited verse."

I envy the typeWomen who ebb with the flowBalanced in their temperamentsAnd passionsThey are pastels of pinkness Their darkness is a shade of blueTheir voices fall gently on the earEven at a high pitch They merely alarmTheir coldness is frostyTheir fire ThreateningThey show you the...

I am known for my sweetnessand perhaps some conventionalitybutyou push me beyond the edgesof my safe and sexy world.Your kisses are wet and wanderingandwonderful.Your tongue in my mouthbrings a rush of wetness and a swelling flowto my lower lips.But my...

Joe Gets a Lesson

"(F is for Francesca) Joe needs learn just how far Francesca can go."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Frankie?"  Francesca (Frankie for short) was naked and bent over the dining room table. Joe, her husband for 10 years now, was standing behind her. He had a belt in his hand, folded...