The Voyeur’s Dilemma

"Luke's curiosity is piqued after witnessing Sez and Dwayne's secret affair. He returns to the bungalow, discovering a raw and primal..."

Luke couldn't shake the image of Sez and Dwayne from his mind. The memory of their passionate encounter, witnessed through the window the night before, haunted him throughout the day. He had never imagined Sez, the reserved and polite office...

The Cellist: Glissando

"Glissando - a continuous glide from one note to the next"

Anton had always wanted to play a woman. A talented cellist, he had occupied principal chair in the city’s symphony for the past three years. Music was his life, but this, his douleur exquise, was a burning tattoo on his soul....

Admiral Submission Pt. 04

"Aiyana questions the Admiral's intentions"

I lie awake, the sound of Dallas’s soft, steady breathing the only thing grounding me to reality. A stark contrast to the chaos that pulsed through the Admiral’s room just hours before. My body feels heavy, and the soreness in...

The Vacation Switch. One Year Later (3)

"Matt comes to terms with watching other men fuck his wife"

AmyThe air was thick with warmth and anticipation. Every movement around me seemed heightened, every touch more electric than the last. I was caught between Mark and Jack, their hands moving over me in ways that sent waves of excitement...

Summer Night 2

"She shows up again"

A week had passed since that drunken night, and I didn't know if I would ever see her again. She had left in such a hurry we hadn’t even exchanged numbers; it was the definition of disappointment. Life had gone...