Life is Good

"Thanks for Being my Husband"

Life is good in so many ways, The love we share fills my days. We've been together for many years,Ups and downs and many tears. We have a beautiful family and a wonderful life,I'm your loving, caring, and devoted wife. There's...

Loves Keeper

"Your love is my sunshine"

Love, L O V E.You enchant me, I adore you. When I'm with you,my heart skips a beat.When you're away,I wish you right back. You light up my life,You're the sun in my sky.My strength to go on,a dream to come...

Trippingly prancing upon the stage boardsglancing about for the lost Elinorstealing my scene as I spread forth my wingsgrieving for lines, more lines to feed to herso that our acting will not be for naughtpeevish my speech can be at...

A New Year

"Midnight ramblings"

Do you hide in the shadows Or do you stand in the sun? Do you show all your colors Or do you show none? Do you see beauty in moments Or rush to the next? Do you bring happiness to...


"some things you just can't undo"

. Water runs over stones Making its way down the trace. Flowing where it is meant to go. It cannot undo  The molecules of itself  Left behind on stones and soil. You are like that warm wetness  Flowing over the...

I will remember you  And give a sad smile. I will not forget  Not even for a while. Every detail will haunt.  But all before will shine. You, my beautiful boy,  Your body failed you. We knew this was to...

A rose by any other…

"I can't think of a one liner. Perhaps if I could, I would have spared us all the 66 liner below."

Big ears! he shouted and ran away Stuck out his tongue, pulled my hair all day And made me cry * Hey, is your Ellie playing out, Mrs Jones? We broke a window throwing stones And never got found out...


"Life seaching for love"

It seems the older I get, the more I reflect, Taking stock if you will of life’s pantry. A storeroom filled with faces and names, The loves and lies that made up every relationship. Emotional deception was never a cause....