I don’t know where we went wrong, but here we are… scratching and clawing like wounded animals. I guess I want this less than I thought I did, even as you foam with need to devour that.We used to be Mentos...
Don’t ask me how I died inside, Or, how and why the darkness overwhelmed,But rather, ask me how I live, And then, how I live to know life in every breath When I went to bed last night, It was her voice I heard, whispering...
Well, I Wasn’t Expecting That…!
"A wife-swapping evening doesn’t quite go according to plan."
Ding-dong!The front door bell rang, announcing the arrival of our guests.‘You want to get that?’ I yelled to my husband.I was busy in the kitchen, finishing off the hors d'oeuvres. I was also nervous as hell, and not sure what...
In Flanders Fields they made love, embracing the trenches which lurk between adoration and bereavement, between possibilities and impossibilities, between passion and prohibition. “This is the end, my love,” he whispered through her tears, as the soft wind shared their...
Walking through the front door was confirmation to myself that things were going to change. Stripping off every item of clothing, I make my way toward the darkened room, feeling moisture between my legs as I move closer to him.“I’m home,”...
Shadows Of The Past
"Two lives interweave and break apart before fate, and a new job intervenes."
Matt casually wandered and weaved his way through the people, smiling at some, nodding at others, picking up a salmon topped hors d'oeuvres from a tray offered him by a young girl, probably the daughter of Malcolm, his new boss, ...
Harold’s Betrayal
"Harold decided it was time she repaid him for the years he had given her."
She was old or more to the fact of age, she was ancient in terms of human life. She had walked the earth for centuries searching for the men she craved to survive on. Men of wealth and means, men...
What is lifeIf not the most precious gift of all?Life is love without regardLife is love despiteWhat is lifeIf not the essence within all?Life is love without regardLife is love despiteWhat is lifeIf not a seed of love planted in...
I will call to you, in the silence and darknessYou will hear my voiceAnd in the shadows of the nightI will bring you lightI will call to you, in the white noise of lifeYou will hear my voiceAnd in the...