I Would you believe it if I told you that, at the age of twenty-four, I was still a virgin? Perhaps at some point, I had subconsciously decided that nobody would ever want to fuck me. Now I’ve decided this ought...

Two Kings

"Two Kings share a secret that sets their people free."

Skeldergate Hill laid bare in squalor that cold morning - upturned earth, the stink of decaying man flesh, drying horseshit. The King of Sylfur's nostrils dilated as it overfilled with the all-too-familiar stench of a hard battle waged. He was...

The music drowned out the sound of the storm. Bittersweet songs tinged with hope that was just out of reach filling the cab of my beat-up pick-up truck as the windshield wipers fought a losing battle against the torrent that...


"A full body makeover transforms a woman's life."

"Loneliness is a bitch," I thought, sitting on my patio and watching the grass grow. My cell phone buzzed, a glance revealed it was my friend Gloria."Hi there, bestie, how you doing?""Gloria, life sucks.""You still trying to get over the...

Carmilla Repentant

"Carmilla, a 1960s drop-out, prefers women, but encounter with a strange man changes everything."

“The blood is the life” – Bram Stoker--There is a joke that goes: what did the lesbian vampire say to her lover?Well, here’s the answer. I owe you so many answers, and to give you what you deserve, I have to...


"An anthology of five separate shorts, connected by pride."

PrincessMy mind is a fucking slugfest. Muhamed Ali versus George Foreman. The Rumble in the Jungle. I sit in my car, pensive. Two massive personalities square off inside my indecisive head. Punch after punch controlling my every thought.In one corner,...