Dear Sir,I want to be your good little slut. I want you to approach me with cool, calm authority, so that there is never any doubt I will do anything you say. I want you to run your finger softly...
My Love Saved Your Marriage
"An open letter to his wife."
To His Wife:You came very close to losing your husband last weekend. He could have been mine—no, he was mine. Mine for the taking. And the only reason that he’s still yours is because I chose to love him more...
One Small Moment
"They were reunited decades later by mere happenstance~"
I was window-shopping in a small town on Cape Cod when I heard, “Sarah, is that you?”I turned and was unexpectedly face-to-face with an old classmate of mine from almost three decades ago.“Jeremy?” My face must have looked flabbergasted.“Yeah, I...
Letter to a Dominant Lover
"This letter was written by a prominent trial lawyer to her politician lover"
My Dearest X, Perhaps I should start with the knowns:We love each other dearly.You are a dominant personality and, in terms of love and sexuality, I am submissive.We are adults, both with good professional reputations, and therefor what we share goes far...
"An open letter to G."
Dear G,It has been almost six weeks since we last saw or spoken to each other. In fact, the last moment you saw me, was when I ran past you getting into B’s car and I didn’t even give you...
His Little Forbidden Fruit
"This is a true story that I was asked to write about a couple struggling to hold it together."
I am so frustrated with you and your lack of caring for me. So, I am going to write a farewell letter to my fake ass secret lover.Before I write the letter and send it to you, I want to...
Love Letter To A Loved One (aka: Lost Souls)
"Sentimental musings of romantic memories shared between two lost souls."
Call it fate or destiny, something, or someone, brought our two lost souls together. I never stopped there before, and still, I don't know why, or what made me do so. But, as I entered that small cafe, I saw...
Anna and Sam. Chapter 22
"“To hell with the dinner!” I stormed. “What are you accusing me of?""
Over the following week, I was somewhat troubled by what Penny had said which, on the face of it, was precisely nothing. She was never coy, never afraid to speak her mind and yet here she was, seemingly hinting that...