Little Bird V: Fin de Siècle

"There is no destiny, only fate, and it rests in their hands."

Honestly, why did we come here? I feel my age. I am the autumn leaves, appealing and beautiful in their own way, but winter approaches. Tonight’s invitation is courtesy of Eva, my oldest friend and the gallery curator. She is...

The New Boy In The Office – Part 6

"Ruth and Liam continue their adventures and include Christine in a threesome"

Christine Haversham went home from Ruth Edrich's house feeling guilty and elated. She felt guilty because she had just been well fucked by eighteen-year-old Liam Tabram and felt elated for the same reason. She knew as she drove home that at that moment, Liam...

Topless In Malaga

"I decided, as far as Susan was concerned, that still waters run deep."

My ex had been nagging me for some time to join a social dating club. “Not an online group of saddo serial shaggers, but somewhere where you might possibly meet the next Mrs Bottomley” was how she curtly put it.So...

Nurse Rose

"In feeding my family I could feed my own desires"

“Hello, Miss.”The boy was persistent, if nothing else, he had tried to stop me three times this week.“My Master is looking for a nurse to sell something for him,” he pestered.“What precisely does he want to sell?” I enquired.“Don’t rightly...