I am a lucky guy, a very lucky guy. I have had a few girlfriends in my time, but they never understood my fixation with feet. The long, slender feminine legs with the delicate feet are something to behold.My current...

In Praise

"To women in praise of who they really are."

Come take off your clothes darling,I want to see you in all you beauty,But I won’t see you without the light,Bring your hands away, show me you,No blushes my love, open yourself to me.You don’t like your breasts but why,I...

A Glimpse of Perfection

"Who says there's no such thing as perfection?"

"Leggings are not pants." My wife, 5'10" tall in her bare feet, with perhaps the longest legs on the planet, often used that expression when confronted by one or more young women whose shape was not suited for such a revealing garment. ...