Forbidden Weekend – Pt. 09

"Eva is brought to the playroom."

The basement feels like I've stumbled into a parallel universe. Noticing my trouble, Bryan squeezes my hand and gives me a kiss on the cheek. The playroom looks like a dungeon, and I have to admit it's pretty intimidating."Ready?" asks...

A City Full Of Stories

"A stranger demonstrates a side of Paris he's never experienced"

People watching is hard to beat. Take that couple across the street from Café Charlot where I sit enjoying the last fingers of Parisian sun casting long shadows along Rue de Bretagne.They're dressed up, probably for the theatre. Polo shirt...


"The freedom of first realising you're kinky"

I was still coming when I got dressedLeggings pulled up over my steamy wet cunt, and my hot heavy breasts encased, straining, wanting to be freeBleary eyed, out of breath, I unlocked the door and the early morning breeze carried...