In silence,I sit and I stare at a ray of sunlightIt’s forced its way through the cracks in my window blinds.Blinds meant to block the glow,Meant to keep the radiance out.But, it finds a way to penetrateCascading down,Etching shadows in...

A lament for Kathleen

"I died a little when I realized she really had gone... but if only these walls could talk."

The sun barely rose on that day I let go. I had, in my misery, banished myself from anything that reminded me of you. Gone out to the old field for solitude. A small house between two tufts of trees...

Unnecessary barriers erected like dispatches from discarded partings unwelcome at my window. Remorseful, I repair to rooms where I prepare to escape what I've laid bare. Refused musings eliciting remorseful borders, mordant, ordered, conforming to my contortions. Her shelter I...

OfferedHapless plans for glad-handed panhandler. Sifting through frayed remains -- reminders of unravelled travels. This sojourn -- a journey of burned yearning, turning worse, spurned, until I adjourn to her antechamber's lecturn, spilling forth all that is worth to offer...

Lover Gone

"My lover is gone. I know not why. Left without saying bye-bye"

Here I sit broken hearted.My love has leftMy heart and soul are parted.She took it with her.I miss those lipsThat met at the mound of fur.I want those full soft lips.I need the smile of her face.I loved the thrust...