Mother! (I’d Like To Fuck!)

"With Jun on the verge of giving birth, she has a new lover. But a surprise is coming..."

Barcelona. Eight months after the last story.As Carlos’s bedroom door closed behind her, Jun experienced a frisson of something like guilt. Sleeping with Dani had been agreed to and arranged by Kim, her husband. Sleeping with Albert had been her...

The Most Important Penis In The World

"Jun is determined to get pregnant by a Spaniard, but can she ever leave her difficult past behind?"

Once, when Jun was younger and engaged but not yet married, there had been an incident in the Pyongyang apartment block where she had lived with her parents and brother. A couple had been overheard making love too loudly. The...

Adieu, Dear Leader.

"A couple fleeing tyranny resorts to desperate measures"

“I want us to make the reeds tremble tonight,” Jun whispered into her husband’s ear, employing the euphemism her grandmother’s generation had used before the revolution. Knowing that sleep would assuredly not come that fateful night, Kim Sun Park agreed....

Hye-Jin in Japanese Public Bath

"Hye-Jin, a Korean-American, discovers wet sex in Japanese public bath."

Sento Cleaning LadyThis is Hye-Jin again—the Korean-American in Japan who loves nylon stockings and shows them off every chance I have. At five-feet-seven-inches, one-hundred-and-ten-pounds, with flowing, silky black hair, my sexy lingerie and fine RHT stockings draw second looks wherever...