Dreams and Nightmares

"sometimes there's a thin line between what's real and what's not"

Kendra was curled partly on her left side, sleeping peacefully, deeply.  Her torso was turned to face the ceiling, he stood by the bed, looking down at her as she slept, taking note of every detail.  The way the well...

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"Kendra doing her witchy thing with her boyfriend Alex"

When Alex walked into the apartment he knew right away that Kendra was nowhere to be found. Not within the four walls at least. He knew he’d find her outside on the beach; it’s where she always went when she...

Love On A Knife Edge

"Alex uses his brand of shock therapy on Kendra"

Kendra was preoccupied with the upcoming trip to New Orleans. After that uncomfortable few minutes at Sanctuary with Micheal and Alex deciding who would come with her, Alex had taken her to Denmark for doughnuts but now it was time...