Joan Goes Out Alone On Date Night Looking For Excitement.

"Joan Goes Looking For A Date And Brings A Stranger Home Per Her Cuckold Wishes."

John sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee with his scantily clad wife. "You look so fucking hot, Joan; I think we should do something special tonight, let's do a date night? Not the usual date night, you will go...

Julie’s Stud

"Julie trusts him, likes him a lot, but doesn’t love him, she trusts his cock inside her when they’re fucking."

Julie trusts him, likes him a lot, but doesn’t love him. He is always gentle, caring, and considerate with her. Above all else, she trusts his cock inside her when they’re fucking for the camera. After they finish fucking, she...

Relaxing Friday Night Sex.

"Busy professional couple find that an established sexual routine is the best way to unwind at the end of the week."

Topless, Zoe fondled husband Rob’s thick cock. They sipped their Martinis.After a frantic week at their busy workplaces this was the regular Friday night wind-down ritual. Ditto the intense sex that followed. The sexual routine was always the same. Why...