Play Hard, Get Hard

"- "Her slender back dances before my eyes as she stretches, and her wonderful ass press back against my groin, making my cock stir." -"

It's a trip home from work that I rush a lot more than usual. The reason for this is that this morning the video game that I've been waiting forever for, at least it's what it feels like, finally dropped...

Champagne Confetti

"- As I lower her down around my hips again, I have no intention of waiting any further and I thrust my cock inside her pussy. -"

My eyes wander down Jane's slim neck that stretches as she takes a sip of the champagne. I follow the deep neckline of the dress to the barely visible shadow by her breasts and as I notice how the dress...

Fuck Me Like You Fucked Her

"John is desperate. He's been accused of cheating on the love of his life, and she has now left. He will do anything to make her stay."

I'm pacing the hotel room floor restlessly. I glance at my phone on the dinner table, but it's silent, meaning that my bodyguard has yet to find Jane at the airport.Maybe she has already gotten on a plane. Maybe she...