Working with Sanya Chapter 1

"Brian's attractive young co-worker wants to learn how to kiss, chapter 1 of a 3 part story."

Chapter 1 Brian gives kissing lessonsSeveral years ago I had a job for a summer where I fed paper into various different kinds of printers at night. I worked with one other person. Her name was Sanya, she was 16,...

The Review

"Young man passes performance review by female boss."

Back in the early eighties just before I joined up with my friend Rich in his telephone services company, I had an office job at a local securities firm. It was a relatively menial job, getting files and miscellaneous paper...

Paint Job (2)

"Karly has confessed to Nicole, now what next?....I think you know very well. *bow chicka wa woww*"

continuation. --------------------------------------------------------------- Nicole was in shock, she never liked to suspect that people were homosexual, cause if they turned out to be straight, she would feel like such a bitch. Karly was facing the opposite wall. Nicole went to touch...