Prank at the Library of Magic

"An Unstoppable Spell with a wet messy ending."

Zoe sat down beside her boyfriend, Troy, on the second floor of the University of Magical Studies. The room was packed—it was exam week, and students were deep in their books. Troy welcomed the break as Zoe leaned in and...

Transforming Genevieve Chapter Four Part One

"Gen considers an affair with a married co-worker. Then gives a student some special help with his writing skills."

Tuesday dawned overcast and dreary. The Weather Channel was calling for intermittent rain showers later in the day. It would be a good day to spend my free time between classes catching up on paperwork. I had already decided to...

From Farm Boy To Plow Boy, Swap Night, Part 8

"The night was warm, the stars bright, and the swap group was about to have the best night they would experience."

Jason's brother, Dennis, was about to turn seventeen in another week. Dennis was the 'Dennis the Menace' in the family. Things would happen to him, not because he did wrong, but because of his curiosity.Here are a few examples: Their...

Hey, You

"Everyone can use a helping hand."

Hey. You. Yes, you with your hand on your pecker, with your pecker in your hand. Let me do that for you. Why? Really? Why not?See, that’s where you went wrong. You went with the dry rub when what you...

I never expected to take advantage of my hall-pass in Las Vegas, other than maybe going topless at the hotel pool.In part-one of this series, I surprised myself with how easy it was to fuck strange men without feeling any...

Carl, Road Trip

"I get to jerk Carl off again"

When we resumed our lumber delivery trip, I thought about Carl fucking Baxter. Would his ass take all of Carl’s cock? Would Carl like to fuck a guy's ass? I wondered how I’d get them together.I asked Carl, “Have you ever...