Jailhouse Rock -Part 2

"Glenda was facing a whole new life in prison. A life she would never be able to walk away from."

Lights blaze on and I hear shouting and banging. Hellfire, this is certainly not the smoothest of early morning wake up calls. Strangely, until this rude awakening of clanging metal bars and doors and guards yelling, I’ve somehow forgotten I‘m...

The Protection Plan

"A wife does what she needs to do to keep her husband safe while in prison"

My husband John and I married just about eight years ago now. We met in college where John was a business major and I was studying psychology. We fell in love immediately and planned to marry just out of college.Our sex...

Seduction at the Old Gaol (Ch.02)

"Belinda and James explore the torture devices and then James becomes part of the exhibit"

“I’m here for the tour,” James said with his dangerously addictive smile.Belinda looked up from the reception desk of the old gaol. He was wearing a different suit; this one wasn’t covered in dust, but otherwise he looked just as good....


"Darren goes to jail"

Darren closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands for the umpteenth time that day. How could he have been so stupid? He’d always been the careful one out of every crowd he’d been involved with. Coming from...