Not Here To Be Nice – Part One

"Lockdown made me a monster - and now I'm ravenous."

2020 - one bizarre fucking year.I’m not going to overstate it, a lot of people had a worse time than me. But it still took a toll. I've been locked down – and like many, it's been in company. We...

"Please return your seat backs and tray tables to their full upright and locked position; we will be landing shortly," the flight attendant announces over the intercom, waking me with a startle. I had drifted off to sleep, if anyone...

Hoping this becomes true

"We been chatting on the internet and I'm hoping this happens for real"

Hello all.   I usually write stories that are true.   I decided to write a story that is partially true.   The beginning is true however we have not met in person yet and that part is fantasy.  ...