Ten Thousand Halloweens

"I have to leave by midnight"

"I have to leave by midnight.""Why, will you turn into a pumpkin?""No, but I get hungry."As the date ticked from October to November, though, I was lost, buried too deep to care, her claws in my back and her breathless...

Eternal Cravings

"Before him, I wanted the same life as you..."

Looking back, the torrential rains were heaven's tears foreshadowing losing another soul.My sheltered life made me vulnerable... ripe for plucking.The gloomy, ominous house beckoned as if a sanctuary. Icy hands provided me succor. I saw solace in crimson eyes. Fangs unnoticed. As...

Immortal Sins, Part One

"He believes his heart is forever frozen and she believes she can't love..."

Maxwell “Max! Help me!” she cried out to me but I couldn’t go help her. There were three vampire slayers on me as well as on her. She fought them, but she was hurt. Those fuckers had tried to stab...

RedTails : The Missing Lynx

"Short story (500 Words). Young Frelic receives an unforgettable lesson from his Beastlands Teacher."

RedTails - Reckonings The Missing LynxbyScarletdownCopyright (c) 2004 G. Sutton. Some Rights Reserved via Creative Commons BY-SA-NC Copyleft Terms. See details at the end of this tale for more info. On the peaceful shores of the lagoon, a lone, small...