My Fertile Wife Bears My Boss’ Progeny

"My elderly, widower boss uses my wife as his surrogate wife and mother of his child."

My name is Justin, and I graduated summa cum laude in my high school class. Not having wealthy parents, I used a partial scholarship, but mostly student loans, to attend Harvard Law School. I graduated from Harvard at the top...

Masturbation Obsession in High School Recurs Later in Life

"I beat off constantly in high school and later in life when my wife lost interest in sex."

My name is David, and I was a geeky boy who didn’t learn to fully grasp to the joys of masturbation until the summer before my junior year in high school.  That might sound strange, but I was backward and...

My Boss’ Hyperspermia Feeds My Hunger for Cum

"My high school friend has hyperspermia and I develop a hunger for his cum and my boss' cum."

I was a pretty normal boy growing up in a small town near Birmingham, Alabama, and I had a large group of friends who were very involved in sports. We were in little league and pee wee football together and...