The Love Show #14: The Watcher

"With experience, comes wisdom and the highest level of sneakiness"

I’m Annie and I work at Nest Ventures. My email signature says Secretary to The Regional Director, though my official title is Executive Assistant to the Regional Director. This is pompous Americanism which I despise, as I’m just a humble...

SidAs part of the participant screening process, we examine their history, including childhood, work, current life, and dating. We want to understand what makes them tick and what makes them ick. Our aim is to have a pairing that builds...

The Benefits Of Working From Home

"While working from home Katie finds herself distracted in the best possible way."

It’s 11 a.m., and I’m perched at the kitchen table in my usual “work-from-home” ensemble: jogging bottoms, a loose T-shirt that might as well be pyjamas, and an old coffee mug that’s a total necessity at this point. My laptop’s...