King For A Day

"A royal conquest fuels a desire for battlefield survival"

Secreted elixir, Chamberlains’ lust,Primal rhythms pilot his thrust, Masculine Eros, royal driblet,Measured commander, penning couplet. Leaving the fields of the slain uncollected,Gaining on she, this ripe queen unprotected,Scheming for days, his desire effected,She waits in her chamber for love intersected.She...

Eager Rise

"A developing stem gives relief for ripe bud"

Winter's frozen mantle recedes from yonder cordillera flanksAs wildflower bud presses its urgent release, not yet fulfilled,Life-in-lull, dreaming through dim-lit days, wrestle with soaked cloakFor light and life, humus purified, fertile for expectant emergence.Eager rise precedes hungry stem, stretching abundant...

This poem only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Hawthorn petals gently rainIn faerie kisses lightly lit;They fall upon her pale, pure brow,A soft, white veil of spicy scent.There dwells she in moss-dark...

Nature’s Warm Up (Foreplay Consummation)

"Spring awakenings infuse potent potential for propagation..."

Nature's Warm Up (Foreplay): Winter's frozen mantle recedes from yonder cordillera flanksAs wildflower bud presses it's urgent release, not yet fulfilled,Life-in-lull, dreaming through dim-lit days, wrestle with soaked cloakFor light and life, humus purified, fertile for expectant emergence. Eager rise...

Long Distance Reach

"When time and space cease to exist..."

Your enigmatic charms come to me in some vaporous illusion,That cause me to cry out for your company and caress. I have found myself awoken on more than one occasion by my own moans, Tossing and turning in some transcendental dreamscape dance.Your...

The Longing for Leslie

"The affair continues as Steve and Leslie steal away some time together"

As fate would have it, after hours of travel, they arrived at their secret location within minutes of each other. All of the planning, all of the waiting, was worth the two seeing each other again. Just knowing that they...

Waking Wanting You

"waking up for wild morning sex"

I wake with my desire for you, an urge I can’t ignore, a need that smolders like an ember at my core to kiss your neck and shoulders, to grind against your ass and wake you, lick and whisper in...