Scream For Help

"Alerted by the sound of distress, Harry discovers a way to show his true colours behind his shyness"

"I'm sorry to have scared you like that," Nicola said, passing Harry a coffee and sitting beside him on her sofa.Nicola had only moved into her new flat a couple of weeks earlier, and getting to know one of her...

Rules Of The Game

"the unconventional tackle matters in the only way they know how"

"Who made the rules?" he asked her. "We should make our own instead."He said as eccentricity drew her into his bed."I take your point," she told him as they talked about their writing.And took a break to ponder matters equally...

Going Down With Something Rare At Christmas

"Every time they spoke, their words suggested climax in the plot, and the experts were impotent."

"Innuendoitis," the specialist told Kyrie with a sympathetic look she could not see behind his mask and protective hood."Christmas is going to come soon. You're telling me I must sit alone and hope for a stroke of luck?" Kyrie said...


"sex with robots isn't all it's cracked up to be"

He cursed when he saw the queue snaking around the block from the Apple Store. The latest upgrade, the i-hole15 had been unveiled and everyone wanted to upgrade their sexbot with the most up-to-date arsehole.Everyone had assumed that sex robots...

“The Three Of Us” – Chapter 7:- “Posing – Part 2 Of 2”

"Sarah models for Stanley, with David looking on..."

Sarah stood and looked at me.I nodded and then just smiled.We both knew I wanted her to explore her sexuality and have new sexual experiences, though I never said it. Have the same sort of sexual encounters that Clare already...

The Fancy Car

"It was private, but damn, it was chilly!"

I was in a pinch, so my boyfriend’s parents invited me to live with them and seven of their ten children still at home. My boyfriend and I shared a room with his brother, the one with the fancy car...